Friday, June 6, 2008

Rule of Thumb Guide to Successful Internet Marketing

(Another great Article by my friend George Brown. Thanks George.)

What id Internet Marketing? We all use many other names to describe the same actions. Bottom line is, we want to sell whatever in order to make money. It reminds me of an advert for antiques. "We buy JUNK and sell ANTIQUES". Marketing is the ART of packaging our product and presenting it to a potential customer in such a way that they want to buy and will buy.
This means we need to know;
1) Our customers, their likes and dislikes. This information is invaluable as it is the KEY to successful Internet Marketing.
2) Source or create suitable products or services to suit our targeted markets. Remember that no one product will suit all customers.
3) Advertising RULE is the same. Your Ads must project an image which will suit your group audience. This means your Ads MUST be different in their appeal.
4) Another rule we need is FLEXIBILITY. By all means see what your competition is doing, but don't be a copy cat. Be creative in your presentations, this includes your PACKAGING of products as well as ADVERTISING. See if they are working and be prepared to Trash or Amend as the case may be.
Since there is a huge field of competition out there, the above paragraphs are not a ONE TIME do and I can sit back and become rich. To stay on top we must be like the champion athlete who trains every day. He eats drinks and sleeps his burning desire to stay ahead of the competition. Two words come to mind, Dedication and Commitment. You want to be a successful Marketer then apply these words to your Vision of being successful. It is a case of Review, Review, Review, and then Review again and revise if necessary.
Don't believe all the hype you read about getting rich quick. Nothing is free in this life! YES you can and will get rich provided you apply that four letter word; WORK. Those who got rich discovered this secret of dedication. Another word to describe dedication or commitment is Sacrifice. In other words "Short term PAIN for long term GAIN"
Listen up; I could go on about how to sculpt your Ads and how to set up sales pages. That is the easy part for there are many books and stuff on the Internet which deal more effectively than I can in this article.
Here is the deal, be a good manager. Do I mean your website? No, that is important but not so important as in Setting Goals and Time Management. You have a vision to get rich that is your major goal. However to reach there you need the where with all to be an achiever. Acquire the necessary knowledge, which means setting lesser goals and this is where managing you time comes in. Prepare yourself well before embarking on the venture of you life. This is where sacrifice comes in. Fewer nights out, less time spent in front of the TV. If you are a family person, you need to manage your time even more so.
Why do so many would be 'Get Rich" fall by the way side? Simple, they are not good managers. They lacked dedication and commitment with no real preparation. Perhaps too, a little gullible for believing you can be an "Arm Chair" million heir racking in the LOOT!
Friend, it takes a lot more to be a successful Internet Marketer.
Submitted by George Brown AnuStart
Article Source:

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