Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eventually, All The Hard Work Pays Off

The promotion of your affiliate marketing business, can be hard work. Long periods spent sitting in front of the computer, intense concentration, lots of typing, saving, cutting & pasting, research and other computer related activities are all components of a normal day at work for the online affiliate marketer.

Naysayers seem to be all around you too. Accusations of gratuitous self promotion and spamming abound. Rejection, aggression, doom & gloom, then more rejection. Negative, anti-everything types cast doubt on your good character and your intentions. It may even cause one to contemplate; "Is it all worth it for one or two commissions?" Quite understandable really, as no one likes to feel as if they are banging their head against a brick wall!

But then, things start to fall into place. Your detailed plans & strategies are finally coming to fruition. The late nights and early mornings start to reap their just rewards, as your traffic flow increases and the line on your sales graph starts heading upwards and off the charts! Success at last! It's better than sex! Well, maybe not that good.........

However, it is an enormous shot in the arm for a newbie affiliate marketer to finally attain some decent sales. Of course the extra income is very nice, but the sweet taste of accomplishment in your chosen field really sets the endorphins flowing through your system.

Your interest and motivation are invigorated and you take a giant leap forward into your bourgeoning, stellar career as an affiliate marketer. The future beckons and nothing can stop you now! Well almost nothing. A crashed hard drive or a virus could seriously impede your progress. So make sure you back up your files and keep your computer in good working order.

From this point forward, your affiliate marketing tree shall bear ripe and luscious fruit.

Until next time, best wishes to you and to the success of your business ventures.

Please visit my business web site by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Visit my site & Download Free EBooks

In regard to my Affiliate Marketing Internet Program web site. The purpose of this site is to promote "work from home" and "make money online" businesses.

In particular, it is to promote The Autopilot Profits System by Ewen Chia. There is a link at the bottom of the page to direct you to the sales page for this system. By the way, it is an absolute bargin at just $27.00. Get it now before Ewen decides to put the price up! You can get it here.
Before you do go to the sales page though, please stop off and have a look at my downloads area. I have just recently placed another ten EBooks on there to be downloaded for free (20 in total). They cover a range of topics in the online marketing area, sales and business. They are all completely free of charge and of any obligation to the downloader and are full of useful information. The downloader also obtains the right to give them away. Please respect the rights of the individual authors by not offering these EBooks for re-sale.

Please enjoy these EBooks,
Thanks, Anthony Barnes.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Video sent by barnes1966

Video testimonial to thank Ewen Chia for his Autopilot Profits Sytem. To download, please go to my web site at;

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Squidoo Lens on Affiliate Marketing Internet Program

Hello again. I would like to to bring to your attention, my Squidoo Lens which is dedicated to affiliate marketing. In particular, the Autopilot Profits System by Ewen Chia. I thoroughly recommend this system to anyone wishing to break into the internet affiliate marketing business. Please have a look at my Lens on Squidoo for further information .

Alternatively, you could check out my next most recent post here at Blogger for more information.
Even better, please visit my Affiliate marketing internet program website for information on how to get your copy of the Autopilot profits system.

I wish you all the best in your business ventures.

Anthony Barnes.

The Best Way to Enter the Affiliate Marketing Business Online

Do you want to make lot's of money running your own online internet business?
If you answered yes, then you need to arm yourself with the right tools, the right systems and the right partnerships to succeed in the internet affiliate marketing business.
Ewen Chia's Autopilot Profits System is it folks!!
To give yourself the very best chance of succeeding in the internet affiliate marketing business, you really should have a look at the Autopilot Profits System by Ewen Chia.

This system has the right tools and resources to enable an average person to create a thriving online business. Ewen Chia provides you with step by step, easy to follow tutorial videos and comprehensive instructions and resources for you to succeed. Don't worry if you are not totally familiar with HTML or other technical stuff. If you have a computer, an internet connection and the desire to create a successful online business, you have everything that's required on your part. The Autopilot Profits System has everything else necessary to get you up and running quickly and easily.

Now don't get me wrong. This is not a get rich overnight type of deal. You will have to make some effort and do some typing, cutting and pasting etc. Nothing complicated or extremely technical though. But the effort that you make will be rewarded in the form of money flowing into your bank account! A pretty effective motivational tool for most of us!

You will also be very pleased to find out that getting started in the Autopilot Profits System is not expensive at all. I was absolutely thrilled that it has been possible for me to get my online business up and running for less than $100. What other successful business can you start up for that little outlay?

I'll tell you again friends, Ewen Chia's Autopilot Profits System is going to change your life!
Ewen is the right man to become partners with and to get your online business into the fast lane.

I'm so glad that I discovered the Autopilot Profits System and Ewen Chia. And I am sure that you will be too!

Wishing you the best in your business ventures.

Yours sincerely,
Anthony Barnes.