Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Wine Traveller Rescues Kevin Rudd!


Recently, the conservative australian labour government, lead by Kevin Rudd, has been cited as not having an "over-arching narative" for the nation.

The prime minister Kevin Rudd and his right wing administration have been in office now for nine months. But to date, they have not proven themselves to be the socially responsible and nation building government that the australian electorate expected.

Beyond failing to provide any form of narative, our nation's economy chokes and splutters, our inadequate infrastructure crumbles, our businesses cry out for skilled staff and our inflation rate increases, while our Mr Rudd and his cohorts foolishly bask in a $22 billion budget surplus.

The stupidity of this tory labour government is overwhelming. They are desperately trying to emulate their right wing political heroes from the past, namely; John Howard, Malcolm Fraser and Robert Menzies, when the reason the australian people voted for them was to empower a socially responsible, caring nation building administration.

Despite their stupidity and lack of vision for the nation's future, Vader form the Wine Traveller's stables has kindly offered his "Ruddisms" as a guiding light for these over paid morons.

Visit today and read all of Vader's "Ruddisms". You will be glad that you did!
