There are any number of appealing multi-level marketing programs
available these days. Many have the capabilities of making money
for the participants. However, don't ever delude yourself into
thinking that multi-level marketing won't cost you anything nor
require much time or work on your part. Indeed, successful
selling, and that is what multi-level marketing boils down to, will require
an investment of time, money, dedication and hard work!
Before you agree to any multi-level deal or begin one of your own,
it will pay you to do a little bit of market research relative to
the sales potential of the proposed operation. For instance, if
you can sell to a "waiting market"--one where people are ready to
make a purchase--you will make money. But if the people you
attempt to recruit as members of your multi-level down line feel
that they are going to have a hard time selling it to someone else, then
you haven't got much of a winning MLM program. Regardless of how much
money a program claims you can make, it will only be as successful as the
market will allow. Enthusiasm for selling, as important as it is, will not
substitute for a poor product.
You should avoid programs that offer products of limited appeal
such as gourmet recipes, health foods, household knick-knacks,
books on needlecraft or magazine subscriptions. Beware also of
deals that require you to purchase an inventory or maintain a
certain sales level. Usually you will end up as the final customer of the
product, with a supply of 400 pounds of laundry detergent or 250 pair of
gold-sequined dance shoes! Look closely for the negative aspects of an
offer, and then weigh these against the ease with which you will be able to
make a sale. In the final analysis, if you have a hard time selling it,
then the people you recruit to sell it for you will find it even harder to
sell, and that will be the end of your "big money" multi-level program.
There are countless reports, manuals, books and other publications
that will tell you how to attain riches in mail order, party plan
selling, and even street corner sales. Most all of these "how-to"
publications will instruct you on how to put a mailing piece
together, how often to send your offers out, and even the
importance of high quality advertising pieces. Very few, if any,
come right out and help you get your offer to your most likely
customers. As you know, unless an interested buyer sees your
offer, you're not going to make any money. Most MLM salesmen will
thrash around, waste time, spend hundreds of dollars and never make any
money simply because they don't know how to get their offers to the right people
without it costing them an arm and a leg.
To help you reach your prospective buyers, here are some simple
tips. Regardless of what your offer entails, put together the most dynamic
and appealing one-page advertising circular you can develop.
The best-selling and most productive circular is one that
directly tells the reader that you have a solution to his money problems.
In other words, with your circular, promise him a way to make himself rich,
and he'll not only be interested, but he'll jump at the opportunity to join
your program. Next, make it as easy as possible for anyone who sees your
offer to respond. Thus, in addition to an order coupon at the bottom of
the advertising circular describing your offer, give him the chance to get
involved in your program for the least possible cost.
If you've put together a "winning offer," most people seeing it
will want to know more. However, if you charge them $5
registration or enrolment fees, you will lose about half of those
who are interested because they are afraid of being ripped off.
But, if you charge them $2 or less, almost all of the people seeing your
offer will take the chance just to find out what kind of a deal you're
Let's review: First, you must have a ONE-PAGE advertising circular that
really appeals to most of its recipients. Secondly, it must appeal to the
reader's hopes and dreams for success. It will also need to have a coupon
the reader clips off and sends in to you for enrolment or registration in
your program. And finally, it has to be priced at $2 or less to get
everybody to at least inquire further. With these basics incorporated into
your mailing piece, you will capture the largest possible share of your
potential market.
Assuming you have now developed such a circular and have organized
yourself thus far, take this advertising circular to a quick
printer in your area. Ask to have 10,000 of these one-page
circulars printed. This will cost you approximately $300. If you
don't have the money, you can either work out an arrangement with
the printer to pay him in 30 days or include him as a silent
partner in your program. Ask him to read over your offer, explain
how you intend to get it to the people, and about how much money
you expect to gross from it. Then, simply offer to split the
proceeds if he will carry your printing costs for you. While the
circular is being printed, line up your initial distribution
efforts. Contact neighbourhood civic or youth organizations in your
city. If unavailable, contact a local distributor of door-to-door
advertising and tell them about your project. Arrange with the
leaders of these groups to pay them $20 per 1,000 if they will
station people at various locations in your area and pass out one
of your circulars to everyone as they pass by. Simply tell them
that you've got 10,000 of these circulars to hand out, and that you
will pay them the $200 for handing them out on the first of the
The best places to hand out your circulars are those malls or
shopping centres featuring discount stores, recycled clothing
stores, and inventory reduction sales. Next on your list should be
flea markets, swap and shop events such as gun or boat and
recreation shows, and even garage and estate sales. Anywhere there
are a lot of people congregating or coming and going is a good
place to hand out your advertising circulars, all in your own home
town and without postage costs.
As your workers are handing circulars out for you at strategic
locations throughout the area, you should be calling in person on
every shopkeeper and store owner or manager in the area. Show them
each a copy of your circular. Explain your program to them and
offer to cut them in on the profits if they will help you
distribute the circulars by dropping one in the bag with purchases
by each of their customers. The best possible bet is with
privately owned convenience stores and newsstands. These small
businesses won't want to become involved in extra bookkeeping nor
the handling of money for you, so you will have to devise a method
of knowing from whose batch of circulars your orders come. This is
accomplished by placing a code for each of the stores on the
coupons of flyers they distribute.
Simply assign a different "department number" to each store, and
when you have the circulars printed for each location, insert that
department code in the address to which the reader is supposed to
send his order. You will be expected to supply the circulars
without cost to the distributors, including the special coding for
each store. Thus the need for a good working relationship with a
printer in your area. The amount of commission paid to the store
owners will be based on the size of each order. The percentage
that you allow to each store per order received should range
between 15 and 30 percent. Of course, always try to finalize each
deal for the least amount possible.
Be sure to keep good records of all your incoming orders. It would
be wise to have a separate record book for each distributor. Thus,
you can review the number of orders received from each
distributor's customers with him when you pay the distribution
commission at the end of each month. At the same time, jot the
name, address and phone number of each person sending in an order
onto a 3 x 5 index card or into your computer database. Arrange
these cards in alphabetical and zip code order and store them in an
old shoe box. When you have 10,000 of them, you will be able to
sell them for 10 cents per name to any number of mailing list
brokers. Also, if your list is maintained on computer, you can
begin renting out the mailing list for $45 to $75 per thousand
names for a single use.
You will also want to clip the stamp off each envelope you receive
and save these in another box. Stamp collectors will pay you from
$10 to $20 for each shoe box full of stamps you can collect. After
you have clipped the stamps off, place the envelopes with your
customer's return address in a third storage box. When you have
several boxes full of these envelopes from people who have spent
money with you, mailing list companies will gladly pay you for
Once you've got your town saturated with circular distributors, be
sure to leave a stack in all the barber shops and beauty salons, as
well as at the counter in cafes, restaurants, bowling centres,
theatres and the lodges of all the fraternal and labour unions in
the area. You can soon simply duplicate these efforts in a
neighbouring town or city, thus increasing your income and
The above plan is a feasible multi-level marketing and total
advertising/recruiting effort on your part. Your main thrust is to
pull in as many prospects as possible and show them your MLM
program. If they want to join in, let them enthusiastically sign
up. If not, forget about them and move on to the next prospect.
This form of prospect hunting is going to cost you money and time,
regardless of what you're trying to sell. Remember, there can
never be any reward without an investment on your part.
Professional athletes say, "no pain--no gain." Yet the small
amount of time you spend in "pain" will eventually be offset by the
even greater financial "gain." You must dedicate yourself to the
task before you will reap the benefit of your labour.
What you have basically done up to this point is put together an
"invitation announcement" requesting an initial $2 investment by
the reader, and you have distributed it to as many people as
possible. Interested recipients will send you a "cover charge" of
$2 to discover what your program is all about, the payment
offsetting your investment in preparing and distributing the
mailing pieces. Before you decide that this is an impossible
method of making any money, let's put a pencil to paper and do some
figuring. Suppose there are 120,000 people in your town--50,000
adults in 20,000 separate families. If half of these 20,000
families were to send you $2, how much money would you have?
$20,000, right? Now then, tell me whether or not you would like to
have an extra $20,000. For a proportionally small expense of
$3,500 for printing and distribution of 50,000 pieces, you would
have received an almost 10-fold return on your investment. Not a
bad start.
People who send you $2 each for further information on your MLM
program hope to solve their money problems. You will send them
back your multi-level program brochure which describes how they can
duplicate what you're doing and make a bundle of money for
themselves. At the same time, you send out another one-page
advertising circular that offers business success reports. Suppose
10 percent of the people receiving your MLM brochure enrol and
send $50 for a start-up kit or supplies. You have expanded your
MLM distributorship and made money, right? And now, let's suppose
that of all the people who have sent in $2 to find out what your
program is all about, a total of 10 percent spend an additional $5
with you for one of your business success reports. Your total
gross income will appear as follows:
10,000 responses @ $2 each.....................$20,000
1,000 new MLM members @ $50 each..............$50,000
1,000 business report orders @ $5.00 each.....$ 5,000
GROSS INCOME...................................$75,000
Now figure up your expenses, including all the costs involved in
printing and distribution.
Printing and distributing 50,000 circulars.....$ 3,500
Printing and mailing of 10,000 MLM brochures...$ 4,500
Printing 10,000 Business Report Circulars......$ 300
Mailing 1,000 Business Reports.................$ 200
TOTAL EXPENSES.................................$ 8,500
Subtract your expenses from your gross income of $75,000, and you
should end up taking $66,500 to your bank, catching up on all your
bills, and spending a long overdue vacation in Acapulco or Hawaii!!
That's it! That's how easy and simple it is, and it actually
works! Once you have covered your entire state in this manner,
simply start renting mailing lists of Opportunity Seekers from the
large mailing list brokers and shotgun your basic one-page $2 offer
to all of them. By following these instructions and working
according to this plan, you can theoretically take in more than $1
million within the next 12 months. Imagine what you could do with
$1,000,000 in the bank!
Others have made their fortunes doing almost exactly the same
thing. There is no reason that you cannot make yourself a part of
a winning MLM team. You can do it! All it takes is that first
circular and a concentrated plan of total distribution. If you
would like to make some of the big money of which you have always
dreamed, why not start today? Compose a circular, a marketing
plan, and a series of business reports. Success must be earned.
Make your dreams a reality--beginning right now! Good Luck!
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